Saturday, August 3, 2013


I injured my elbow recently. I figured it was due to work, as I have strained it before. See, when I am moving guitars around to merchandise them on the walls, I usually pick them up from the bottom with just one arm as that's the quickest/most efficient way to deal with that task. This puts a strain on my elbow though, as sometimes I have so stretch it while I have a heavy guitar in my hand.

That's when I started feeling the pain this time, on a particular day a week or so ago that I was doing a lot of lifting on. I rested it a bit the few days after, and it got a bit better but it's going on two weeks now and hasn't healed.

I noticed today though that there is something else that might have caused the injury, or at the very least has exacerbated it: playing bass guitar. See, I've been playing bass a bit more lately since I've had a bass guitar to demo at the stores I train at. Nothing too physically exhausting, I haven't been playing much, but when I went to play today I realized that the exact muscle that is hurting is the one flex when playing bass with my fingers.

Interesting, since I hadn't given that a thought at all.

I picked up a brace for it today, let's see if that helps. I will definitely be warming up if I play any bass, and will be doing my best to not put a strain on it while working. I didn't break anything, I don't think, still feels like just a strained muscle. Hopefully it goes away soon!